segunda-feira, 26 de abril de 2010

Sexual violence ‘becoming normal’ in Congo

From The Times
April 16, 2010

Tristan McConnell, Nairobi

Rape and sexual violence against women and girls in the war-scarred east of the Democratic Republic of Congo is becoming “normal” according to a new report published yesterday.
Rape has been a weapon of war in the overlapping conflicts that have rumbled on in Congo since 1996 causing millions to die of illness and disease. It is estimated that hundreds of thousands of women have been raped in attacks aimed at terrorising civilians, humiliating the enemy and ethnically cleansing regions.

But the new survey of rape cases at one of only two specialist clinics in the Kivu provinces of eastern Congo shows that although the majority of attacks are perpetrated by armed men there has been a disturbing 17-fold increase in rapes by civilians.

“This study confirms what has only been reported anecdotally until now: sexual violence has become more normal in civilian life,” said Susan Bartels, a researcher at the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative which analysed 4,311 rapes committed between 2004 and 2008.

According to the study 60 per cent of attacks are gang rapes and most are carried out by armed men breaking into the victims’ homes after dark leading the researchers to conclude that women, “are not safe anywhere”.

“Rape of this scale and brutality is scandalous,” said Krista Riddley, director of humanitarian policy at international aid agency Oxfam. She called on the Congolese government to improve medical care for rape victims, to reform its security and justice sectors and to ensure the protection of civilians.

Protecting civilians from rape, murder, exploitation or any other depredations will be more difficult as the United Nations puts in sequence plans to withdraw its 20,000 peacekeepers.
President Joseph Kabila has demanded the troops leave, insisting that Congo’s security forces – responsible for many well-documented atrocities – are capable of providing security.

Sexual attacks in eastern Congo are perpetrated in particularly brutal fashion often leaving the victims suffering from fistula, a tear between the anus and vagina that causes incontinence and can lead to infertility.

Assailants have been known to use sticks, knives or gun barrels to violate their victims, to rape women in front of their family members and to deliberately mutilate the victims afterwards.
There has been growing attention on the issue recently, including a visit last year by US secretary of state Hilary Clinton who described the rapes as, “evil in its basest form”. Nevertheless, in 2009 there was an increase in the number of rapes and sexual attacks.

Last year the UN backed an attempt by the Congolese army to root out an ethnic the FDLR, an ethnic Hutu militia led by some of those responsible for the 1994 genocide in neighbouring Rwanda.

The offensive failed but left around 9,000 raped as the unruly army swept through villages and the rebels launched retaliatory attacks on communities.

“It is clear that the increase we saw last year was directly related to the escalating conflict. In some conflict zones we documented a doubling or tripling of rape,” said Anneke Van Woudenberg, a senior researcher at Human Rights Watch. “Eastern Congo remains one of the most shocking ongoing examples of rape as a weapon of war,” she said.

When The Times visited a clinic for rape victims in eastern Congo, prepubescent girls lay recovering in hospital beds alongside grandmothers.

Speaking through a translator a slight 13-year old with wide eyes, neat cornrows and stick thin legs that dangled from a chair, not quite reaching the floor, recounted what had happened to her.

“I had bought bananas in the morning and was coming back from the market when I met four armed men,” she said. “Two of them took my bananas and started to eat them, the others grabbed me from behind and took me in to the bushes. All four raped me. They put a banana in my mouth to stop me crying and they raped my until I was bleeding,” she said.

The gang of rapists was arrested and then released after bribing the authorities, an all too common scenario in a country with a dysfunctional and easily corruptible judiciary. “Rape continues because there is no justice, no punishment,” said Ms Van Woudenberg.

Her attackers’ release left the young girl hopeless. “I have been raped by four men so I’m not a girl anymore, anyone can have me,” she said.

At the end of the interview the girl’s counsellor who had been acting as translator whispered in English so that her patient would not understand: “How are we supposed to tell her that she has HIV?”

Fonte: The Times

Women, War, Peace and Violence Against Women

Around the world, women and girls are victims of countless acts of violence. In a great many of these instances, the violence is not random — women and girls are victims because they are female. The range of gender-based acts of violence in conflict is devastating, occurring, quite literally, from womb to tomb. Among other abuses, violence against women includes: rape, sexual mutilation, purposeful infection with HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections (STI), forced impregnation, forced abortion, female genital mutilation (FGM), sexual harassment, trafficking, forced prostitution, dowry-related violence, domestic violence, battering, and marital rape. Violence against women and girls occurs in every segment of society — regardless of class, ethnicity, culture, country or whether the country is at peace or war.

Women’s bodies, deliberately infected with HIV/AIDS or carrying a child conceived in rape, have been used as means to undermine, disgrace and threaten the perceived enemy. In Rwanda , at least 250,000 — perhaps as many as 500,000 — women were raped during the 1994 genocide. more… Women often face violence in wartime due to the nexus between their gender and their other identities. In Bosnia , Muslim women were targeted for rape as part of the “ethnic cleansing” campaign to form a ethnically pure Greater Serbia. Over 20,000 women are thought to have been raped during the war. more…

During the series of women's conferences and other UN conferences between 1975 and 1995, the international community came to acknowledge the range — and frequency — of gender-based violence, and redefined how these acts of violence are dealt with in international policies. The most comprehensive international policy statements about gender-based violence are the Declaration against Violence against Women adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1993, the Platform for Action from the UN Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995, and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. These documents define gender-based violence as a violation of women's human rights, as war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide and a form of discrimination that prevents women from participating fully in society and fulfilling their potential as human beings.

"Wartime sexual violence has been one of history's greatest silences. On June 19, 2007 unanimously-adopted Security Council Resolution 1820 ends - once and for all - the debate on whether systematic sexual violence belongs on the Council agenda. In the words of United States Secretary of State, Condoleeza Rice, who chaired the debate, "today we respond to that lingering question with a resounding yes". For the full text of the resolution, please click here.
Fonte: Women War Peace

UN Action Against Sexual Violence in Conflict

sábado, 24 de abril de 2010

Mulher é jogada do segundo andar de um prédio no Rio

Uma mulher foi empurrada pelo marido do segundo andar de um prédio na Tijuca, bairro da zona norte do Rio. A administradora de empresas Jaqueline Valadão Rios, 44 anos, estava travando uma discussão com o marido, o técnico contábil Flávio Martins de Lima, de 29 anos, na noite de ontem, quando começaram a ocorrer agressões corporais de ambas as partes.
Depois de negar que a tivesse empurrado e tentar simular morte acidental da esposa, o marido de Jaqueline confessou o crime na manhã de hoje e está preso da Delegacia de Homicídios na Barra da Tijuca. Ele deverá ser encaminhado logo mais à Polinter.
De acordo com o delegado adjunto, Pablo Ernesto Rodrigues, a polícia militar foi chamada ao local do crime juntamente com o socorro médico por vizinhos que acreditaram se tratar de um acidente. Jaqueline caiu de uma altura de aproximadamente 30 metros na casa deles, e chegou a ser socorrida com vida, mas não sobreviveu.
O delegado informou que perícia feita no local descartou a possibilidade de ter ocorrido um acidente. Com isso, o acusado foi preso em flagrante logo após de ter sido medicado, já que também apresentava ferimentos nas mãos e na barriga, em decorrência da briga com a esposa. Os dois não tinham filhos juntos, mas cada um trazia dois filhos de casamentos anteriores. Os dois adolescentes filhos de Jaqueline moravam com o casal.
Fonte: Portal Uai

terça-feira, 20 de abril de 2010

Enfrentando a Violência Contra a Mulher: orientações práticas para profissionais voluntários

As informações contidas neste manual abordam, entre outras coisas, as formas como se desenvolvem o ciclo da violência doméstica, os mitos que a cercam, os dados sobre as agressões intrafamiliares e sugestões de proteção e segurança para as mulheres em situação de risco.

"Enfrentando a Violência contra a Mulher" contém orientações práticas e oferece ainda um conjunto de ferramentas, todas de grande utilidade prática. Espera-s, desta forma, contribuir para multiplicar o contigente de pessoas aptas a trabalhar na erradicação desse fenômeno perverso que gera milhares de vítimas entre as mulheres de todo o mundo com dramáticas repercussões sobre a estrutura de suas famílias e de toda a sociedade.

Este manual é de autoria da professora Bárbara Soares. Antropóloga, pesquisadora do Centro de Estudos de Segurança e Cidadania – CESEC – da Universidade Cândido Mendes, no Rio de Janeiro, Soares soma sua reflexão acadêmica sobre a temática da violência baseada em relações de gênero, com a experiência de gestora do Sistema de Segurança Pública no estado do Rio de Janeiro.
Fonte: Comunidade Segura

segunda-feira, 19 de abril de 2010

Primeiro julgamento do assassino de Ana Carolina.

Serial killer enfrenta primeira audiência na Justiça

Ivan Satuf - Portal Uai

O serial killer Marcos Antunes Trigueiro, de 31 anos, começa a enfrentar a Justiça. Nesta terça-feira, o 1º Tribunal do Júri de Belo Horizonte realiza a primeira audiência de Instrução e Julgamento do homem acusado de estuprar e matar ao menos cinco mulheres em Contagem e Belo Horizonte. Relembre o caso. Esta audiência diz respeito ao primeiro crime atribuído ao maníaco: o brutal assassinato da empresária Ana Carolina Assunção, de 27 anos, ocorrido em abril do ano passado.

Os promotores Francisco de Assis Santiago e Paulo Roberto Santos Romero relataram na denúncia que a vítima estava em seu carro, acompanhada pelo filho de um ano e meio, no Bairro Industrial, em Contagem, quando foi abordada por Marcos Antunes, que dissimulou um assalto, entrou no veículo e determinou que ela conduzisse o carro para outro local.

Após manter relações sexuais o maníaco a estrangulou com um cadarço, provocando a morte por asfixia. Em seguida, ele assumiu a direção do veículo e foi para um campo de futebol no bairro Alto dos Pinheiros, em Belo Horizonte. Lá, ele estacionou, colocou o bebê sobre o cadáver e fugiu, levando consigo o aparelho celular da vítima.

O serial killer foi denunciado por homicídio qualificado (por motivo torpe, por meio insidioso ou cruel, com recurso que dificultou a defesa da vítima e para assegurar a execução, a ocultação, a impunidade ou vantagem de outro crime); por constranger a mulher à conjunção carnal, mediante violência ou grave ameaça; por furto e por expor a vida ou a saúde de outra pessoa a perigo direto e iminente.

A expectativa é de que sejam ouvidas, nesta terça-feira, sete testemunhas de denúncia e duas de defesa. Logo após, o juiz sumariante Christian Gomes Lima deve ouvir Marcos Antunes Trigueiro. O acusado está preso na Penitenciária Nelson Hungria, em Contagem, Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte.